you can not compare micro and macro economyBoefke wrote:Paul wrote:It is all timing, in trade, in accumulation and in judgement.Boefke wrote:I think there is a difference between trading for 40 years, or accumulating for 40 years. Agree on this?
When he has been trading 40 years, the first 25 years wouldn't be the most profitable years to be in the goldmarket. If you've been accumulating month after month, year after year.......and still are in possesion of the gold accumulated then, Oh my god. Than it's the opposite of you're statement of being 25 years too early..
We're probably more late, than Koen was early.
But if you understand the principals of freegold, it doesn't matter how much you paid for your ounce....only the weight matters.
It all depends on the difference between the price and the value on the moment, the value of gold is not a constant through time. It does matter how much you pay for your ounce, when your timing is wrong you pay too much and you lose value, no ? Freegold does not change that. It is not only the gold that holds the value ...
Capital/value moves. The gold accumulated from the end of the nineties was smart. The goldcycle made low.
Before that smart money was everywhere but in gold. It is the rhythm of the markets, the invisible hand ...
I understand the principle of freegold, and I understand money, nothing tangible, just a social contract !
You're looking through the wrong glasses here in my opinion. This is through the currency one, and as Indy sais currency pricing gold. I think on this point it is hard for us too agree on this subject.
Or were the Saudi's also much too early on the gold party, with their oil for gold deal?
It only needs to be repriced once.....everybody behind the curtain is aware of this.
to look at international trade, you better leave your own wallet at home.
I am not looking through glasses, I am using binocullars ...
there is a difference between the personal portfollio of Koen and the goldstock of the house of saud
Koen is a mortal, the house of saud is not. different perspective. Price is irrelevant there.
for mortals gold needs to be repriced only once to profit. agreed.
so what happens when you die before that ? bad luck ? or bad vision ?