Haystack May 2012

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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »

Spanish government fears budget insolvency. Asks ECB for immediate help to directly purchase Spanish debt (Guess the ECB will also accept Spanish bonds with a maturity date of the year 9999 :D ):

http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2012/05/2 ... 90914.html

Good fight, good night!
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word spreads in the markets: get the hell out of everything

Post by Indiana Jones »

War-Gaming Greek Euro Exit Shows Hazards in 46-Hour Weekend

By Jana Randow and Gabi Thesing
May 23, 2012 7:30 AM GMT+0200
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-2 ... ekend.html
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »

@Indiana Jones:
Confirmed. Have the same news from different channel!

ECB, Euro-Group and Bundesbank prepare Greek EXIT:
http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/kon ... 65038.html
Frankfurt: A work-group of the Euro zone countries has asked all Euro governments to prepare emergency plans for a Greek exit...
Seems the word is out. BRACE for impact, gentlemen!
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by Indiana Jones »

We'll see what it all boiles down to ......

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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by Rasta »

Eventually there will be an awakening, a balancing of the scales and a bill to be paid, and for that I hold gold - Jim Sinclair
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »

1. Lots of talk about bank runs, exiting the Euro and praising the "all-mighty-Dollar" :lol: :
http://www.valuewalk.com/2012/05/john-t ... and-italy/

2. Due to fear of contagious bank runs EU wants to build cross country guarantee on bank deposits (news only in Swiss and German sources):
http://www.nzz.ch/aktuell/wirtschaft/ue ... 05744.html
http://www.deutsche-mittelstands-nachri ... /05/42965/

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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by Rasta »

Friday humor from ZeroHedge:

Dear Nigerian Scammer,

I am a Greek Prince desperately trying to get my money out of the country but because of restrictions on the amount of money one can take out of Greece I'm worried my vast wealth will disappear when my country is booted out of the Euro.

I need you to let me transfer the sum of 38,000,000 Euro into your bank account as a matter of great urgency. I am willing to pay you 75% of this deposit in return for your help.

If you agree to help, please send me your bank account details and your sisters vital statistics. You will have to send me the transfer fees of 76,000,000 Euro or the bank won't put the money in your account. Do this immediately, my terminal illness will prevent me completing the transfer if you don't send me all your money now.

Please hurry, my fortune is vaporising quickly.

Eventually there will be an awakening, a balancing of the scales and a bill to be paid, and for that I hold gold - Jim Sinclair
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by Rasta »

Reality check with John Williams of Shadowstats.com, at GoldSeek Radio mp3 audio [34:25-54:57]
Eventually there will be an awakening, a balancing of the scales and a bill to be paid, and for that I hold gold - Jim Sinclair
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »

TaTa! There it is - Capital controls being planned in Switzerland. Traditionally the first place (with 36% of worldwide capital being somewhat located or channeled there) to install capital controls in times of crisis...

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/05/2 ... 2C20120527

Interesting, but not surprising.
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Re: Haystack May 2012

Post by Indiana Jones »

At the same time the dollar is excluded from world trade by the day.
So what to do in the eye of the storm, when there's no place to hide anymore ?

Yen-yuan direct trading to start in June
(AFP) – 1 day ago
TOKYO — Japan and China are expected to start direct trading of their currencies as early as June as part of efforts to boost bilateral trade and investment, according to reports.

With the planned step, exchange rates between the yen and the yuan will be determined by their transactions, departing from the current "cross rate" system that involves the dollar in setting yen-yuan rates, Kyodo News said on Saturday.

The two governments are eyeing setting up markets in Tokyo and Shanghai, the Yomiuri Shimbun said.

The yen-yuan exchange system would help businesses in the world's second- and third-largest economies reduce risks associated with exchange rate fluctuations in the dollar and cut transaction costs, Kyodo said.

It will be the first time that China has allowed a major currency except the dollar to directly trade with the yuan, Kyodo said.

And maybe IF the Euro could be strangled, should the Norwegian Krone, Danish Krone, Swedish Krona and Swiss Franc be a safe place to hide for the big money ships and kill their underlying economy in a split second ?
Or schould the British Pound be a safe heaven place and regain it's role of World Trade Currency by default, because the only WTC currency by choice -Renminbi- isn't convertible and thus non available yet ?

I can tell you that IF the Euro dies without the dollar problem being solved, we'll have western world barter soon, the U.K. and U.S.A included.
That's why I think the Euro won't die. Maybe some countries will (temporarely) leave the Euro and several banks will tumble off the clifs. The 'too big to fail' however will be saved again with QE4,5,6, .........
Everything that needs to be said has already been said.
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