2016 lees je ook in niet Armstrong modellen. Ik dacht dat Armstrong ergens ook 2016 als een dollar-event had gekleurd.Paul wrote:Deze heb ik even uit het euro stuk gehaald, het is vooral dit waarom ik Armstrong geniaal vind ...
"It’s a QuestIon of tIme From a timing perspective, the Bretton Woods System actually began with the operational start of the IMF on March 1st, 1947 (1947.164). The Euro began officially on January 1st, 1999 (1999.002). The birth of the Euro essentially completed the 51.6 year cycle between 1947 and 1999. The collapse of the Euro appears to be due no later than 17.2 years from its birth making the ideal target 2016.202 just 23.5 weeks ideally AFTER the peak on this current Economic Confidence Model wave 2015.75. The immediate start of that crisis however is NOW which is ideally due November 25th, 2011 (2011.902) (8.6+4.3 years from 1999.002). These are standard durations for such events – how long they normally take to unfold.
(8,6 jaar is de perfecte business cycle = pi * 1000 dagen)